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It may seem that canola grows slower than wheat, but consider what variables may influence this observation. Wheat is often seeded earlier, which is one major reason why it may……
Performance for the following canola system herbicides will drop off at the given temperatures: Glyphosate — 30°C Glufosinate — 28°C Clearfield system products — 28°C…
The member companies of the Western Grains Elevator Association and the Canadian Oilseed Processors Association have individually advised that they will not accept delivery of canola grown and harvested in 2016 that has been treated with quinclorac, a pesticide used to control cleavers. Growers are encouraged to speak with their local elevator or processor for additional details…
1. With phosphorus, ultimately the form you apply is less important than the amount you apply. Crop nutrition specialist Rigas Karamanos used the graph below to show the chronic under-application of P year after year…
Cover crops provide ground cover to avoid leaving fields bare. They provide weed competition, take up excess moisture, tie up nutrients at or near the soil surface so they’re not lost, and improve salinity. Nitrogen-fixing cover crops can increase soil nitrogen levels. Grassy cover crops act as “green manure”. All cover crops can reduce wind and water erosion of soil…
While it’s too late to spray effectively, growers and agronomists can check fields for the presence and population of winter annual weeds before the snow flies. This information can help with spring pre-seed burnoff and crop rotation planning…
Rain and delayed harvest have caused some cut canola plants to regrow. This regrowth coming up through swaths can make for increased green matter going through the combine. This regrowth cannot be sprayed…
The first step in canola volunteer management is to do nothing. Leaving seeds undisturbed so they germinate in the fall or get eaten by birds and insects is a good way to reduce the volunteer seedbank. Canola seeds that remain on the soil surface when the snow flies will deteriorate over the winter…
Verticillium wilt was found in a canola field in Manitoba in 2014, and a survey of approximately 1,000 fields across Canada is underway this summer and fall…