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Agronomy Fundamentals
Explore articles on the best management practices for yield, profitability and sustainability:
CanoLABs will provide excellent pre-season, hands-on training sessions to agronomists in each province.
DATE: March 19
LOCATION: University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta
MORE DETAILS: Registration and other event information was available here
DATE: April 3
LOCATION: Assiniboine College in Brandon, Manitoba
MORE DETAILS: Registration and other event information is available HERE!
DATE: April 9
LOCATION: University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
MORE DETAILS: Registration and other event information is available HERE!
Webinar – Trade & Biofuels Policy
DATE: March 27 at 2:00 CDT
OVERVIEW: Canadian Canola Growers Association will host a webinar called “Trade & Biofuels Policy: What Canadian canola farmers need to know.” Content is designed for a farmer audience. Registration and information