
Learn, grow and connect.

View our list of upcoming events, workshops and networking opportunities to help you acquire new skills, enhance your professional growth and make connections.

Agronomy Fundamentals

Explore articles on the best management practices for yield, profitability and sustainability:

Ag Days

DATE: January 21-23
LOCATION: Keystone Centre, Brandon, Manitoba


Information. Manitoba Canola Growers will host Canola Morning January 21 starting at 9:30 a.m.

Alberta Canola Conference and Research Symposium

DATE: January 22-23
LOCATION: Red Deer, Alberta


 The conference on day one, January 22, will include the Alberta Canola AGM. The research symposium is January 23. Information and registration.

Crossroads Conference

DATE: January 27-29
LOCATION: Edmonton, Alberta


Information and registration

Top Notch Farming extension meetings

DATE: February 4
LOCATION: Saskatchewan


Meetings at four locations, starting February 4, feature presentations on the latest barley, canola, and flax research and agronomy, global markets, and prairie hydrology. Information and registration (Scroll down the events page to get details for each location.)
–Hudson Bay, February 4
–Melfort, February 5
–Weyburn, February 11
–Moosomin, February 12

Manitoba Canola Growers AGSM

DATE: February 11
LOCATION: Winnipeg, Manitoba


The Annual General Special Meeting is the day before CropConnect, and at the same location.

CropConnect Conference

DATE: February 12-13
LOCATION: Winnipeg, Manitoba


Information and registration