When to spray weeds after a frost? How to reduce drift in windier conditions? And more…
Spraying tips for tough conditions
May 6, 2020
May 6, 2020
When to spray weeds after a frost? How to reduce drift in windier conditions? And more…
April 22, 2020
Ian Epp and Clark Brenzil compare pre-seed burnoff and early post-emergence applications, and make a good case for spraying first and then seeding…
April 22, 2020
Clean lines, nozzles and screens to prepare the sprayer for a busy few weeks of early weed control…
June 27, 2019
This article underlines the importance of a complete clean out between products, and to understand the risks for each product and each tank mix presents…
June 20, 2018
Unexpected carryover can occur when dry conditions in the year of application slow the expected pace of breakdown of herbicides. Unexpected residue damage is a risk any time a sprayer is left full while waiting for an opportunity to spray, or when sprayers are not effectively cleaned between crops and between products…
June 20, 2018
Low wind and clear skies can cause inversions, which can increase the risk of spray drift. This article explains how to identify (and avoid) an inversion scenario when spraying. The……
June 13, 2018
How do you spray weeds in a timely fashion when every day seems too windy? Here are some tips…
May 30, 2018
A quick quiz to test spraying windows, inversions and timing…
May 30, 2018
Adding micronutrient solutions, especially zinc, to glyphosate is highly antagonistic to the herbicide…