Simple but effective... Tank mixes are recommended to control canola volunteers and glyphosate-resistant kochia, and to protect the long-term viability of glyphosate…
The snow layer is likely to insulate the weed leaf material from the colder conditions that follow it. That could mean you’re back spraying earlier than you would be with frost alone…
These weed patch cut-arounds are easy to do when straight combining. The key is to destroy those patches with a mower or cultivator before they set seed…
If you have a canola field with a lot of perennial weed escapes, especially Canada thistle, are you better to spray them pre-harvest or post-harvest for maximum efficacy? There are benefits to both options…
Farmers will want to test escapes for glyphosate resistance so the weeds can be targeted for intense management before they start to shed their seeds…
Breanne Tidemann, research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, has been researching combine weed seed destructors. They’re not perfect because some weed seeds will shed their seed before harvest and some weed seeds, like thistles, are too light and fluffy, but no IWM practice is perfect. When farmers employ a few of these imperfect tools, they can start to get…
I have a field that is fairly dirty with kochia, cleavers and lamb’s-quarters. Half of the field is in 6-leaf and half is staring to bud. How much yield will I lose by spraying 0.5l of glyphosate on it?…