• Tips for spraying in the wind

    May 21, 2020

    Given the value of early weed control, take full advantage of calm conditions to spray. If it’s too windy (more than 20 km/h), the sprayer will probably have to sit idle. But when wind is 10 to 20 km/h, here are some tips to improve performance and reduce drift……

  • Quiz – weed seedling ID

    May 6, 2020

    What are these weeds? And what would you tank-mix with glyphosate to improve pre-seed burnoff efficacy on these weeds?…

  • Spring cleaning for the sprayer

    May 6, 2020

    Chemical residue can last over the winter and cause crop damage, so you want to give the sprayer a complete pre-season cleaning. Here are the steps:…

  • PPE's recommended for handling pesticides

    May 6, 2020

    Respirators for pesticide applicators are NIOSH/MSHA/BHSE approved organic-vapour-removing cartridge with a pre-filter approved for pesticides or a NIOSH/MSHA/BHSE approved canister for pesticides…

  • Pre-seed burnoff: Tips for best results

    April 30, 2020

    Weeds that emerge before the crop will out-compete the crop for moisture, nutrients and sunlight. That is why just a small number of weeds – even just a few per square foot – emerging before or with the crop can be much more damaging to yield potential than a larger number of weeds flushing later…

  • PODCAST: Early weed control – tips

    April 22, 2020

    Ian Epp and Clark Brenzil compare pre-seed burnoff and early post-emergence applications, and make a good case for spraying first and then seeding…

  • How to cope with salinity

    March 11, 2020

    Recent wet and dry cycles have increased topsoil salinity in many parts of the Prairies over the past few years. “Salinity is not a salt problem, it’s a water problem,” says Marla Riekman, soil management specialist with Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development. “Wet years bring the water table closer to the roots, and salinity wicks up to the soil surface.”…

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