The opportunity to spray weeds is nearly closed for this fall, especially on fields planned for canola in 2012. If you have a stretch of warm sunny days in the forecast, you might have a chance to give dandelions one last hit…
Growers considering tillage for fall weed control should clean equipment between fields to limit disease (and weed seed) spread. Tillage equipment carrying soil and stubble from field to field can also carry soil- and stubble-borne diseases such as clubroot and blackleg…
If canola is not drying down after a Reglone application, the following may provide some insight as to why…
Growers don’t have much time left to control weeds in fields planned for canola next year. But if you saw higher numbers of key canola weeds, such as cleavers, in your cereal crops this year, make a plan now to control them…
Post harvest weed control can be a valuable step in preparing fields for canola next year, especially if winter annuals and perennials are present in high numbers. Dandelions and thistles, for example, move a lot of energy into their roots this time of year, so fall is an effective time to control these weeds. Here are some tips to improve…
Growers considering a pre-harvest glyphosate cannot apply it to canola (RR or non-RR) until seed moisture drops to 30% or lower. This roughly coincides with 30% seed colour change. Spraying earlier raises the potential for glyphosate residue in seed…
Volunteer canola in the field at this point is a weed that could dramatically impact your canola crops in the future. It may be infected with blackleg or sclerotinia, adding additional inoculum to the field to infect subsequent crops. And it could potentially add thousands of viable seeds and resulting plants that you will need to control in the future…
Growers can significantly reduce their volunteer canola seedbank by reducing losses at harvest. Canola losses at harvest can be up to 5 bushels per acre, which is 50 times the typical seeding rate. The Combine Clinic July 18 and 19 (pick one day) in Westlock, Alta., will explain how to reduce harvest losses, putting more yield in the combine tank…