• Control weeds early, save yield

    April 25, 2012

    Even if growers don’t expect to seed any time soon, they may want to consider a pre-seed burnoff now to get weeds at smaller stages and before they draw down moisture and nutrients that their canola crops will need…

  • Risk higher for herbicide carryover

    April 25, 2012

    Herbicide carryover risk could be higher this year because some products may not have broken down as expected in 2011 due to extreme conditions. Also, with the increase in canola acres, some canola will go on land not planned for canola when growers made there herbicide decisions last year…

  • Control weeds early and save yield

    April 25, 2012

    Even if growers don’t expect to seed any time soon, they may want to consider a pre-seed burnoff now to get weeds at smaller stages and before they draw down moisture and nutrients that their canola crops will need. Products registered for use ahead of canola are CleanStart, Amitrol 240 and glyphosate…

  • Volunteers with stacked HT are out there

    April 4, 2012

    Canola volunteers with resistance to more than one herbicide are probably more common than you think. If you’ve only grown Liberty Link canola, for example, but your pre-seed glyphosate treatment doesn’t seem to be getting all the volunteers, the volunteers may have resistance to both Liberty and glyphosate…

  • Station 1: Weed control tips and herbicide management

    March 9, 2012

    This article contains 5 quick weed control tips. Tip 1: Herbicide efficacy often goes down in dry conditions because most plants — weeds and crop — will develop a waxy layer and curl up their leaves to reduce moisture loss. These two survival responses also reduce herbicide uptake…

  • Tips from excess moisture meetings

    February 9, 2012

    Nutrient carryover is a common question from growers with unseeded acres. The standard answer is: Nitrogen is always variable throughout a field, and after a wet year without a crop, reserves might actually be better on the hilltops than in low spots. In low areas flooded for long periods, lack of oxygen limits microbial breakdown of organic matter. Therefore nutrients…

  • Rotations for pest resistance management

    December 8, 2011

    Lack of crop diversity can increase the density of pests in a field. The higher the population of a pest in a field, the higher the risk of developing resistance to the pesticides (herbicide, fungicides or insecticides) used for controlling the pest in those fields…

  • Rotations for weed management

    December 8, 2011

    The success of herbicide tolerant canola technology to control weeds is one reason why canola rotations have tightened. Economical weed control has increased canola profits. But the reduction in crop diversity can allow some weeds (and insects and diseases) adapted to growing with canola to increase in density and intensity. This places increased pressure on the chemical tools used to…

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