• It’s seeding season. Is your sprayer ready?

    May 1, 2013

    A pre-seed burnoff will result in higher yields versus no pre-seed burnoff. Seeding can begin fairly soon after a burnoff. For annuals and winter annuals, glyphosate needs only 24 hours to get to the growing point. After a day, the crop can be seeded. For perennial weeds, 3 days should be enough in sunny and warm conditions but 5 days…

  • Volunteer canola control

    May 1, 2013

    Hit these volunteer canola plants when they're small with a pre-seed burnoff. Volunteer canola is a weed and competes with the crop for nutrients and water and sunlight. Volunteers do not have seed treatment, so they can introduce seedling diseases and increase flea beetle pressure. Also, volunteers in non canola years provide a host for blackleg, clubroot and insects, reducing…

  • Elevated risk for herbicide carryover

    April 4, 2013

    A dry summer and fall in certain areas of the Prairies created a high risk situation for herbicide carryover this spring. High spring moisture from increased snow fall will not help much because microbial activity does not occur, no matter the soil moisture level, until soil temperatures are 5°C and then only increase marginally until soils are warm. If little…

  • Glyphosate resistant kochia on the move

    April 4, 2013

    Both of these trays were seeded with kochia and then sprayed with glyphosate after emergence. The difference: The tray in front was seeded with glyphosate-resistant kochia seeds. Glyphosate resistant kochia is spreading and most kochia on the Prairies is already Group 2 resistant. For good long-term management and prevention of glyphosate-tolerant kochia escapes, use a rotation of broadleaf control products…

  • CanoLAB highlights

    March 6, 2013

    Read more for a great video showing tiny wasp larvae devouring an alfalfa looper from the inside out, for a pop bottle demo (shown above) of how much NPKS is required for a bushel of canola, and for a herbicide carryover alert after the dry fall…

  • Burn off canola volunteers ahead of cereals

    March 6, 2013

    Cereals offer a wide range of pre-seed herbicide options to get rid of canola volunteers, which may be plentiful this spring after the wind losses last fall. Volunteer canola competes with the crop for nutrients and water and sunlight, and also act a bridge for blackleg, clubroot, seedling diseases and insects, reducing the effectiveness of crop rotation…

  • Find the right agronomist

    December 5, 2012

    Growers who do not have the time for timely scouting may want to hire an agronomist to support their own scouting program. Most agronomists are also pressed for time, and may not be able to spend one to 2 hours a week scouting each canola field, but agronomists can supplement the time growers spend scouting, and provide experience and skills…

  • Weed control window still open

    October 3, 2012

    Weed control can still be achieved after a frost if no more than 40% of the original leaf tissue is damaged. Herbicide should be applied at the higher end of recommended rates in order to get the same amount of herbicide to the root mass, which is the target…

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