• Herbicide mixes may be needed on HT canola

    June 5, 2013

    Take a look at the weed spectrum in each field before heading out to spray canola. In some cases, the straight partner herbicide may not be enough to take care of the weeds present, and tank mixes may be required. Read on for examples…

  • Tank mixing herbicide with insecticide or fungicide

    June 5, 2013

    When spraying for weeds it may be economical to add an insecticide or fungicide to the tank mix to hit any insects or disease (blackleg) that may be present at the same time. However, consider these four issues before proceeding: 1. Is the tank mix supported by the product manufacturers? (See the next article for more on this.) 2. Be…

  • How many tank mixes are too many?

    June 5, 2013

    Growers must take extra precaution with any tank mix that is not identified and approved on the product label. The risks with off-label tank mixes include but are not limited to: —Damage to the crop —Antagonism or other reduction in control of one or more of the labelled pests —Residues in excess of the limits of those set for the…

  • Spraying in cool temperatures

    May 29, 2013

    Applications made when cool cloudy days follow cool nights will result in lower herbicide efficacy than applications made in warm sunny days. Cloudy days don’t provide the photosynthetic activity required for many herbicides, including Group 10 glufosinate. And nights near freezing followed by days with highs that barely reach 10 C will not provide high metabolic activity required for best…

  • Early in-crop herbicide: More profit with no added cost

    May 23, 2013

    Past research has demonstrated an advantage of 3 bu./ac. for controlling weeds at the 1-2 leaf stage of canola versus the 3-4 leaf stage, and a 7 bu./ac. advantage versus 6-7 leaf. At $12 per bushel, that’s $36 to $84 per acre more profit with no added cost. These numbers will be even higher if a preseed burnoff was not…

  • General rules for mixing pesticide

    May 15, 2013

    Always refer to pesticide labels for mixing instructions that may be specific to each product. Here are some general rules for mixing pesticides, taken from the Manitoba Guide to Crop Protection…

  • Spray AND seed at the same time

    May 8, 2013

    Canola benefits from both early seeding and early weed control. The solution: Work through seeding and spraying operations simultaneously. Have the seeder working when it can. Meanwhile walk fields to get an indication of weed pressure. Fields with large numbers of winter annual and perennial weeds should get a pre-seed burnoff. While spraying that field and waiting 3 days to…

  • 10 important weeds in canola

    May 8, 2013

    The top 10 weeds in canola are: Cleavers, volunteer canola, kochia, Canada thistle, sow thistle, narrow-leaved hawk's-beard, dandelion, wild buckwheat, stinkweed and stork's bill. Email us using the contact info in the box to the right if you have another name to add to the list…

  • Weed questions for Clark Brenzil

    May 8, 2013

    Read more for answers to these questions: —Should we really be concerned about glyphosate resistance? We've been managing weed resistance in other Groups and we have lots of tools now. —What weeds should I look out for that may not be on our radar? —What rate is too high or too low when trying to prevent resistance issues? —How long…

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