• Weeds: Wait for post-harvest regrowth

    September 24, 2014

    Fall is a good time to control perennial and winter annual weeds. The message this week includes two reminders: Wait for post-harvest regrowth. And know the best timing for the weeds present. The photo shows narrow-leaved hawk's-beard…

  • Foxtail barley and fall weed control

    September 17, 2014

    Foxtail barley is one weed that seems to be on the rise. Foxtail barley is best controlled in the fall, using glyphosate to manage perennial bunches and late germinating seedlings. Be aggressive with fall glyphosate rates. Tillage also works well on foxtail barley, but if you have to use tillage, spot till the patches only…

  • 6 causes for missing pods

    July 30, 2014

    Seeing stems with lots of blanks where pods should be is often cause for alarm. There are many possible factors. Here are the top 6:…

  • Tank hang ups and spraying mishaps

    July 23, 2014

    When strange patterns of damage in canola fields line up perfectly with the sprayer boom width or follow typical drift patterns, phone calls and finger pointing begin. Explanations can be simple: The wrong product was added to the tank, or the right product was applied but on the wrong field. But situations are often much more complicated — and made…

  • Manage each field for its own conditions

    July 3, 2014

    Canola crops side by side can have different risk factors, and often do not require the same crop management for nutrients, weeds, insects and disease. Crop rotation, fertilizer rates, plant population, stand uniformity and crop stage are a few factors that can influence whether one crop needs a treatment while the other right beside may not…

  • Late herbicide: Make a balanced decision

    June 25, 2014

    Late weed control significantly increases the yield loss from weed competition, and it can also damage canola plants. However, the yield and economic risks from a later in-crop spray could make sense... —If growers use canola as a clean up crop for Group-1 resistant wild oats, narrow-leaved hawk’s beard, round-leaved mallow and other tough weeds, a second herbicide application may…

  • Aerial options for weed control

    June 25, 2014

    If weeds and crop are advancing toward the end of the application window and the ground is too soft and wet to support a sprayer, then aerial spraying may be the best economic response. Here are the options for aerial herbicide application in canola…

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