• Keep it Clean – Harvest season reminders

    August 19, 2015

    (1) When spraying and prior to swathing or straight combining, stick to the pre-harvest interval (PHI) unique to each product. (2) Remember that canola buyers will be asking producers to declare if they have used quinclorac this year. (3) When prepping bins, follow canola storage recommendations…

  • Pre-harvest weed control

    August 19, 2015

    Growers considering a pre-harvest glyphosate cannot apply it to canola (RR or non-RR) until seed moisture drops to 30% or lower. This roughly coincides with 30% seed colour change. Spraying earlier raises the potential for glyphosate residue in seed. Pre-harvest glyphosate will kill green weeds and even out the non-RR canola for straight combining. Group-14 Heat can now be used…

  • Spraying a multi-staged crop

    July 2, 2015

    Crop staging comes into play for herbicide, insecticide and fungicide timing. So crops with plants at various stages — some at flowering, some barely at the bud stage, for example — present a challenge when deciding when to spray…

  • Herbicide for variable staged crops

    June 26, 2015

    Patchy emergence due to a few weeks of dry and then a rain, or due to reseeded crop emerging among the few original plants, has created a wide range of stages in some crops. Make herbicide timing decisions based on the stage that represents the highest proportion of plants. And rather than planning on two applications, growers may be better…

  • Get the most out of your herbicide application

    June 17, 2015

    This article has tips and links for information on spraying in windy conditions, when to spray uneven crop, spraying at the right crop stage, sprayer clean out to prevent crop damage, and Keep It Clean tips for new products…

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