Tank mixes used for pre-seed burnoff ahead of cereals often contain Group 2 and Group 14 products that can hang up in sprayer plumbing. These residues can be particularly damaging to canola. Common canola-crop herbicides and surfactants left in a tank for any extended period of time are very good at removing these residue deposits from tank walls and sprayer…
Early weeds have large impact on canola yield potential. Research has shown a yield advantage of 3 bu./ac. when weeds are removed at the 1- to 2-leaf stage of canola instead of waiting until the 3- to 4-leaf stage. That advantage rises to 7 bu./ac. when comparing weed control at the 1- to 2-leaf stage versus the 6- to 7-leaf…
Growers have two common questions after a spring frost: 1. Did the crop survive? (Do I need to reseed?) 2. When can I resume weed control? Here are our answers…
Even if seeding is two or three weeks away, a pre-seed burnoff now could keep these weeds from getting too big to control. We have reports of gigantic winter annuals in fields where they haven’t been sprayed…
A key part of the Keep It Clean program is to follow label rates and timing for all crop protection products. Here are specifics for each herbicide-tolerant system…
Can you correctly identify these four weeds? Three are fairly common. One may be unfamiliar to you…