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Take a look at the weed spectrum in each field before heading out to spray canola. In some cases, the straight partner herbicide may not be enough to take care of the weeds present, and tank mixes may be required. Read on for examples…
Past research has demonstrated an advantage of 3 bu./ac. for controlling weeds at the 1-2 leaf stage of canola versus the 3-4 leaf stage, and a 7 bu./ac. advantage versus 6-7 leaf. At $12 per bushel, that’s $36 to $84 per acre more profit with no added cost. These numbers will be even higher if a preseed burnoff was not…
No time to wait? Growers who want to do a preseed burnoff and then get seeding may not want to wait 3-4 days for the weeds to recover from a frost. In this situation, growers should recognize that if they go ahead and spray right away, efficacy may be reduced. However, even with the lower efficacy, doing the burnoff and…