This quiz will help you distinguish the three common stem diseases – blackleg, sclerotinia stem rot and verticillium stripe…
QUIZ – What stem disease is this?
August 10, 2023
August 10, 2023
This quiz will help you distinguish the three common stem diseases – blackleg, sclerotinia stem rot and verticillium stripe…
August 2, 2023
Three multiple choice questions based on canola cultivar traits and the disease and insect issues observed in canola fields this week…
July 26, 2023
Four questions on a canola disease that often shows up in a few plants. Sometimes it gets more serious. Are you the master at aster yellows?…
July 19, 2023
Canola seeds lost out the back of the combine can undo a lot of agronomy work. Three questions to get you primed for Combine Clinic for Agronomists…
July 12, 2023
Three true or false questions based on weed, disease and insect issues observed in canola fields this week…
July 6, 2023
Are you in an area where sclerotinia stem rot management is a "maybe" or "yes" this year? Take this quiz for a few tips…
June 28, 2023
Many factors through the reproductive stage of canola can lead to blanks on the stem where pods should be. Here are four questions on the "missing pods" theme, with good links for more information…
June 21, 2023
It's green worms time! Agronomists and farmers can find lots of different green worms in canola. Can you identify the most common ones?…
June 14, 2023
Four insects found this week. What are they and what makes them unusual? Take the quiz to find out…