What is the required pre-harvest interval for that product? This quiz has three questions based on info from the Pre-Harvest Interval Calculator…
Our eyes are drawn to strange insects and afflictions in canola fields this time of year. Here are seven found this week…
Nutrient deficiency is showing up in some fields this week. This photo quiz is based on field observations. Can you identify the symptoms?…
How are your ID skills for squiggly green worms? One of these worms is near threshold in one area of the Prairies. Take the quiz to find out…
Sclerotinia stem rot is a hot topic as canola fields come into flower. This quiz asks about fungicide timing, weather and aerial application…
Our agronomy quiz has questions on hail damage and canola recovery, grasshoppers thresholds and cabbage seedpod weevil spray timing…
Why are these canola leaves yellow? Take this matching quiz and click "submit" to find the answers and pick up a few agronomy tips…
Growers face challenges to timely weed control. Here are three questions to help get the most from weed control sprays…
This quiz has three questions and lots to learn on fungicide for blackleg, cutworm thresholds and flea beetle activity in wind and rain…