Growers who seeded canola a couple weeks ago will want to start scouting now for emergence issues. Often if seed and seedlings are damaged by rots and blights, which tend to be a more common occurrence in cool soils, they will quickly dry up and disappear. You need to act fast to accurately diagnose the problem…
Plant establishment
A good starting point for seeding canola is when the three-day average soil temperature in the seed zone is 4-5 C. Use a soil thermometer and take readings at 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. over a few days and average the results. Because canola is seeded at 1” deep, test the soil temperature at that depth…
With Statistics Canada's forecast of a record 20.4 million canola acres in Canada in 2012, some of those acres may be going onto freshly-broken pasture land. Expectations will be very low for canola seeded into these conditions because of weed competition, low nutrients, low moisture, poor seedbed, poor soil quality and wireworms…
A level drill is important for shallow seeded crops like canola. Also inspect openers, hoses, tank gaskets, meter rollers and manifolds for wear. Check that the electronics work properly and are calibrated…