• How to do a plant count

    May 31, 2012

    When scouting, take time to check the plant stand. Look for blank areas and also look for thin areas. The plant…

  • Gopher management

    May 31, 2012

    Gophers can eat up large areas within a canola field. Strychnine baits and, in some jurisdictions, mix-it-yourself strychnine liquid is available for gopher control. Phostoxin is also registered for gopher control, but this is a restricted use product that requires a special permit for purchase and application…

  • Canola in excess water. Will it survive?

    May 31, 2012

    Canola is quite susceptible to water logging and shows a yield reduction after only three days with wet feet. If only a small percentage of the field is lost, reseeding may not pay off — especially if that small percentage includes a bunch of pot holes all across the field. And wait to see how the crop recovers from saturated…

  • Check patches in crust-prone soil

    May 24, 2012

    Rains can help to mellow soils that had crusted after a couple weeks of dry conditions, but the damage may have already been done. When scouting in fields with poor emergence, dig down and look for the plants — especially in fields known to be crust-prone…

  • Thin stands need extra protection

    May 24, 2012

    For canola fields at or below 4-5 plants per square foot, consider lowering the action thresholds for insect, weed and disease management all season long…

  • Tips to diagnose stand establishment issues

    May 16, 2012

    Many factors can cause a thin canola stand. Proper diagnosis is important for effective management. Here are common factors, with diagnosis tips for each. Many more photos are posted at the bottom of the article…

  • Frost: Did the crop survive?

    May 16, 2012

    It can take a few days after a frost before you can accurately answer that question. With a light frost of 0 C to -2 C, the risk of crop damage is minimal. With a heavy frost that kills off the cotyledons, it takes a few days before new leaves will start emerging from the growing point between the cotyledons…

  • The reseed question. How many plants are enough?

    May 16, 2012

    Research and grower experience over the years have shown that uniform stands of 1-2 plants per square foot will often outyield or match the yield of a reseeded crop with a much denser stand…

  • Wind blows out seeds and plants

    May 16, 2012

    Check the field closely. How much of the field is lost? Some seeds may still be in the soil, and for seedlings sheared off, there may be some later emerging seeds that could fill in the stand and provide reasonable yield potential. Yield may not be ideal but the potential is perhaps better than a reseeded crop…

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