Buying used equipment from a clubroot area can create an unexpected transfer of the disease. We heard this week of a grower from northern Alberta who bought a used combine from a known clubroot area. The grower was surprised at how much soil was on and inside the combine, and this soil very likely contained clubroot spores…
Plant establishment
Various studies and crop insurance data show that canola seeded in early May tends to yield more than canola seeded in late May. Agronomy decisions are based on these trend results. But with the unpredictability of crop production, situations often come along that buck the trend. This year may be one of those years. Why?…
Canola plants have been going through a lot of stress, and could be showing multiple symptoms. Good sleuthing means leaving the truck seat, putting on your booties and walking the fields. Getting to the bottom of any mystery takes keen observation (got your magnifying glass?), an open mind (the most obvious answer is not always the right answer) and a…
The later hail occurs, the higher the chance of yield loss, given that the plants have less time to recover. Plants with a broken main stem will likely die. Plants at the 6-leaf stage that lose most of the leaf area on the main stem can still live, but these leaves will not regrow. The plant will be delayed, and…
Widespread heavy frost on the weekend was the last straw for many canola fields that were already under stress from previous frosts, flea beetles, wind, dry conditions and in some cases excess moisture. Growers may choose to reseed as a last effort to save what has been a stressful May for some canola crops. However, canola can be surprisingly resilient…