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1. Prep for good seed placement. 2. Use the canola calculator to set seeding rates. 3. Know the risk of seed-placed fertilizer...and more…
What fertilizer to put in the seed row? How much fertilizer does canola need? What are your logistical challenges to following the 4Rs?…
The following article is based on this Canola Watch podcast with University of Manitoba soil scientist David Lobb…
Fall fertilizer Fall fertilizer is best applied as close to freeze up as possible to balance two objectives: (1) To allow soil to seal over the band (frozen soil may……
Question: After a couple of bad years, cash flow is tight. How can a farm reduce fertilizer costs while still keeping the door open for a good rebound yield? Answer: (1) Soil sampling is often more valuable after a bad year because reserves could still be high. A soil test may show higher than expected carryover. Note that after a…
Despite some wintery weather, we can hope for (and expect) good harvest weeks to come. Don’t rush into pre-winter jobs just yet…
Dry conditions throughout the summer and heading into winter could have ramifications for field management decisions this fall and rotation planning for next year…
Whether taking a soil sample or applying fall fertilizer, mid September is generally considered to be too early for both…
The ideal time for a sulphur top up is any time before flowering, but a top up at early flowering may pay off if plants are showing signs of sulphur deficiency. The ideal time for a nitrogen top up is before the 5-leaf stage of canola, but AAFC research out of Indian Head, Saskatchewan, shows that nitrogen top dress as…