Fertilizer dribble options for the sprayer: 1. Streambars or dribble bars are long bars — 12” to 15” or so each — with 4 holes along the length. They attach to each sprayer nozzle point, with the bar designed to reduce the distance between streams. Advantage: Streams drop straight down so spray patterns are unaffected by boom height. Disadvantages: They…
Nutrient management
The bottom line for seed-placed fertilizer in canola: 1. Apply plant available sources of nutrients. 2. Place a modest rate of P in the seedrow. At rates over 20 lb./ac., the salt component in MAP, for example, can start to set back seedling survival. 3. Place N and S in a band away from the seed…
If a grower decides to try something new, find a uniform field, try one product at a time and leave an untreated check, ensuring both treated and untreated areas are accurately measured for final yield and grade so a true economic comparison can be made. In reality, some products may provide a good payoff for the price, but that payoff…
When fields are sulphur deficient, canola that receives only nitrogen fertilizer (front left in photo) can yield less than canola that receives no fertilizer at all (right in photo). Canola plants need sulphur to produce three key amino acids: methionine, cysteine and cystine. Without the S to build these amino acids, N creates toxic amides in the plant that greatly…
A 50-bushel crop can remove more than 50 pounds of P205 per acre. Growers using only seed-placed phosphate at a rate of 15 pounds per acre can slowly deplete the soil of phosphate. That can start to affect yield potential on the field over time. These plants, demonstrated at CanoLAB, were seeded the same day in a greenhouse and fed…
Give the brand new online Canola Diagnostic Tool a pre-season test drive at www.canoladiagnostictool.ca. Start with a problem scenario that you encountered in a canola field in 2012, and work through the tool to see what potential causes it provides. Read the cause descriptions and “ways to confirm” to determine which cause is most likely…
Here is a list of labs that service canola growers in Canada. Labs are organized under the following headings: Soil nutrient analysis, Plant tissue nutrient analysis, Seed quality tests, Disease diagnostic on plant tissue, Soil analysis for clubroot, Herbicide resistant test for weeds, Herbicide carryover in soil, and Pesticide residue in plant tissue…
Not a regular soil sampler? If you're interested in starting, this is as good a time as any to start. The more you test, the more you can learn from the numbers. Benchmark samples collected from the same places for years will tell you more than a random sample done once. To see trends, you need several years. You can…