• Scout for nutrient deficiency

    June 17, 2015

    This diagram from IPNI shows where deficiency symptoms are likely to show up on a plant. Nitrogen is mobile, so with an N shortage, plants will move N to new parts of the plant. Therefore deficiency will show up first in older leaves…

  • June 4th – Medstead SK UCC Site

    June 4, 2015

    The UCC site that will be featured for Saskatchewan is located near Meadstead. The site was seeded with the Dekalb 74-44 variety on May 14th, 2015 at a rate of 5.3lbs/acre. The fertilizer was 130-40-0-30 of actual nutrient as liquid sidebanded with 0.3lbs/acre of boron in liquid form…

  • Seed-placed fertilizer safety

    May 13, 2015

    The safest method for seed-placed fertilizer is to put nothing with the seed. However, with low-medium soil test results, it’s often beneficial to put ammonium phosphate with the seed at a safe rate, and put all other fertilizers in a band away from the seed row…

  • 3 fertility questions for seeding time

    April 22, 2015

    The key with fertility decisions is to apply all of the 4 Rs — right fertilizer source at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place.……

  • Are we mining soil phosphorus?

    March 11, 2015

    Phosphorus fertilizer rates have, pretty generally, lagged crop removal for some time. As crops remove the soluble phosphorus in the soil, the soil’s large reserve of less soluble forms will transfer some more phosphorus into the available “labile” pool. However, this labile pool may be losing its ability to keep up, resulting in a “hidden hunger” for phosphate in many…

  • Sulphur forms: Which to use and when?

    March 11, 2015

    Canola has a high demand for sulphur. Because of high sulphur variability across most fields, the common recommendation is to apply 10-15 lb./ac. of sulphur when soil test results show adequate levels and 20-25 lb./ac., or more, when tests show deficient levels. Read more for product options and when to use them…

  • UCC: Looking for growers for boron trial

    March 11, 2015

    As part of UCC 2015, the CCC agronomy team is looking for 12-15 growers from across the Prairies to test boron in field-scale trials in 2015…

  • Reader question

    March 11, 2015

    A Canola Watch reader asks: “I am interested to find out how many acres of continuous canola are actually in the Peace compared to other areas.” Leander Campbell from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provided four maps, including this one…

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