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Nitrogen is the theme for 2016. Follow along the UCC journey on Twitter with the #CanolaUCC hashtag and on Instagram at ultimate_canola_challenge…
Growers with dry soil conditions may be tempted to reduce fertilizer rates. After all, if crops do not reach yield potential, reducing the cash outlay at seeding may mean that a lower-yielding crop could still be profitable. However, when it comes to canola in particular, fertilizing for average or target yields in spring is often the most economic practice —…
Canola removes more phosphate than other crops, and studies show that phosphate fertilizer rates have lagged crop removal for years. The result, says soil fertility expert Ross McKenzie, is that about 80% of Prairie fields are deficient in phosphorus…
Growers understand the need for S in canola, but more frequent production of canola and higher yields have been drawing down soil levels. Soil fertility expert Ross McKenzie estimates that at least 40% of soils across Western Canada are S deficient…
Sandier soils with low clay levels are more likely to be at or near deficiency levels. Ross McKenzie estimates that about 20 to 25% of Prairie soils are K deficient, and overall soil K levels are in a slow decline…
Spring soil tests are the most accurate in predicting the soil nutrient situation at seeding time. Labs may be able to provide results within a few days or a week, so spring tests can be done without holding up the seeding process…
1. With phosphorus, ultimately the form you apply is less important than the amount you apply. Crop nutrition specialist Rigas Karamanos used the graph below to show the chronic under-application of P year after year…
Know your fields and your yield expectations. Soils where N rates have not kept pace with N removal will need to be built back up to increase their productivity. Here is a review of N product options and how they become plant-available…
The UCC website has protocols and objectives for 2016 and results from 2015…