• How much fertilizer does canola need?

    December 16, 2020

    Canola generally needs nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur fertilizer each year. A small percentage of fields will also benefit from a potassium application. The following article suggests what canola needs and what soil and crop residue could provide. The rest will come from fertilizer…

  • Boron and other micronutrients

    September 27, 2017

    When well-designed research studies are done for micronutrients in canola, results show little if any economic benefit…

  • Boron — Understanding the soil test

    February 3, 2016

    One challenge with boron is the hot water extraction (HW) soil test commonly used to test boron levels does not seem to be a reliable indicator of available boron. A 1999 study by Rigas Karamanos showed no relation between HW boron levels and canola yield, as the graph shows. Yet soil analysis continues to use the HW test for boron…

  • Scout for nutrient deficiency

    June 17, 2015

    This diagram from IPNI shows where deficiency symptoms are likely to show up on a plant. Nitrogen is mobile, so with an N shortage, plants will move N to new parts of the plant. Therefore deficiency will show up first in older leaves…

  • June 4th – Medstead SK UCC Site

    June 4, 2015

    The UCC site that will be featured for Saskatchewan is located near Meadstead. The site was seeded with the Dekalb 74-44 variety on May 14th, 2015 at a rate of 5.3lbs/acre. The fertilizer was 130-40-0-30 of actual nutrient as liquid sidebanded with 0.3lbs/acre of boron in liquid form…

  • UCC: Looking for growers for boron trial

    March 11, 2015

    As part of UCC 2015, the CCC agronomy team is looking for 12-15 growers from across the Prairies to test boron in field-scale trials in 2015…

  • Nutrient essentials: Boron

    June 11, 2014

    Canola needs a little bit of boron, and most Canadian Prairie soils have enough to meet this demand…

  • Buyer beware with novel fertilizer products

    May 8, 2013

    If a grower decides to try something new, find a uniform field, try one product at a time and leave an untreated check, ensuring both treated and untreated areas are accurately measured for final yield and grade so a true economic comparison can be made. In reality, some products may provide a good payoff for the price, but that payoff…

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