• Lygus bugs feeding at the bud stage

    May 2, 2011

    Lygus feeding at the bud stage is rarely an economic cost — unless the canola is under some other stress, such as drought. Stressed canola may not be able to compensate for lost buds the way a healthy crop can…

  • The critical first 21 days

    May 2, 2011

    Young canola plants are vulnerable to numerous stresses, particularly flea beetles, cutworms and seedling diseases. It pays to scout often at this time of the season…

  • Scout the whole field for flea beetles

    May 2, 2011

    Scouting for flea beetles at field edges works early in the season when conditions are cool. With warmer weather, flea beetles will have moved throughout canola fields…

  • Lygus up to 10x thresholds

    August 18, 2010

    Much of southern and central Alberta and parts of western Saskatchewan still have high levels of lygus bug feeding. Lygus bug numbers are up to 10 times economic control thresholds……

  • Diamondback spraying begins

    July 21, 2010

    Issues of the week: July 21, 2010 — Diamondback moth larvae are showing up across the Prairies, and some growers are spraying. Crops just starting to flower should be assessed……

  • Diamondback moth larvae have arrived

    July 21, 2010

    First signs of diamondback moth larvae are larvae hanging from threads and feeding on leaves. Feeding damage is usually a mining of the leaf, giving the appearance of a “window……

  • Identify the problem, then act

    July 14, 2010

    Issues of the week: July 14, 2010 — Unexplained bud browning and strange plant growth has retailers and growers in the Peace unsure of the problem. Drought stress, nutrient deficiency……

  • Tips to control multiple insect species at once

    July 7, 2010

    If a field has cabbage seedpod weevil and diamondback moth feeding, should economic spray thresholds be reduced to account for the combined pressure? In the case of these two species,……

  • Keep malathion out of canola bins

    July 7, 2010

    As bins are prepared for the coming harvest, keep in mind that using malathion on canola seed or in canola storage bins will result in detectable levels of malathion residue……

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