What to do after late season hail? | Insect update: Diamondback moths | Patience pays at swathing | Select seed for less disease next yea…
Patience maximizes yield at swathing | Late season insect update | Disease scout now | Spray to swath timing matters…
Late season disease scouting | What's chewing into your canola | NDVI: scouting from the sky | Managing GR kochia…
Diamondback moths | Lygus bugs | Harvest management options | Consider ROI before spraying for sclerotinia a second time / on reflowering canola…
Sclerotinia risk is building | Lygus bugs | Grasshoppers | What's wrong with that crop?…
Cabbage seedpod weevil | Prioritize predicting sclerotinia | Still planning an in-season herbicide? | How is that crop looking?…
Seedling canola's #1 threat: flea beetles | Over-wet or finally not so dry, top dress | COUNT and SCOUT | When is the best time to spray weeds?…
Don't let weeds get a running start | Slow-starting spring = buffet for flea beetles | Seeding at last! | Why are plants missing?…
What's Plan B? | Be ready to stop hungry flea beetles | Weeds wait for no one | Up the rate when seeding is difficult & late…