• Insect update

    June 12, 2013

    Flea beetle spraying picked up again this week, as more canola fields reached thresholds. Don’t give up on flea beetle scouting just yet. Click here for more on the flea beetle spray decision. Cutworm feeding has been detected in some fields, but spraying is still minimal at this time. Digging will be required to distinguish whether cutworms or wireworms are…

  • Tank mixing herbicide with insecticide or fungicide

    June 5, 2013

    When spraying for weeds it may be economical to add an insecticide or fungicide to the tank mix to hit any insects or disease (blackleg) that may be present at the same time. However, consider these four issues before proceeding: 1. Is the tank mix supported by the product manufacturers? (See the next article for more on this.) 2. Be…

  • How many tank mixes are too many?

    June 5, 2013

    Growers must take extra precaution with any tank mix that is not identified and approved on the product label. The risks with off-label tank mixes include but are not limited to: —Damage to the crop —Antagonism or other reduction in control of one or more of the labelled pests —Residues in excess of the limits of those set for the…

  • Insect update: Cutworm collection, insect traps

    June 5, 2013

    Cutworm activity has been light so far this year, with a few fields sprayed across the Prairies. We do expect to hear of more cases as crops start to emerge and feeding patches start to show up. Keep an eye out as many cutworm species will feed on canola, and each has its own cycle — as the table shows…

  • South winds arrive

    May 23, 2013

    South winds from Texas and California/Mexico have reached the Prairies, as the maps show. Winds from the south central U.S. bring aster leafhoppers (which carries aster yellows phytoplasma) and the California winds can bring diamondback moths…

  • Start scouting the week after seeding

    May 23, 2013

    The week after seeding is a good time to dig up seeds and seedlings to check for rots and blights. Disease damaged seed and seedlings die quickly, and may be gone within a few days, which is why this timing is important to an accurate diagnosis. For the first 21 days after emergence, scout regularly for flea beetles, cutworms, weeds,…

  • Some flea beetle feeding is OK

    May 23, 2013

    Assess flea beetle damage before spraying. Some feeding is tolerated without an economic cost. The nominal economic threshold for flea beetles in canola crops in Canada is an average defoliation of 25% or more of the seedling leaf area…

  • Insect update: Wireworms, cutworms, south winds

    May 15, 2013

    Wireworms have not become the crisis some expected after lindane was pulled from the market, but some fields do have populations at levels that may cause economic loss. Noticeable losses are often confined to small bare patches. Check bare patches to confirm the reason for missing plants. It could be cutworms, wireworms, disease or something else entirely — like Richardson…

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