• Cutworms: How to scout

    June 18, 2014

    Cutworm scouting begins with a walk through the field looking for bare patches, chewing damage in foliage, or clipped plants. If you find patches of missing or damaged plants, dig around healthy plants next to the missing of damaged plants. Cutworms have likely moved on to these nearby healthy plants. Many cutworms are underground during the day or feed only…

  • Insect update: Flea beetles, cutworms

    June 4, 2014

    Canola is advancing quickly, often emerging in 5 days and starting to sprout its first true leaf in just over a week. Flea beetles are also out in big numbers — enough to warrant a few walks through each field. Seed treatments will provide 3 to 4 weeks of protection for canola that emerges within a week of seeding. Flea…

  • Insect update: Cutworm survey

    May 14, 2014

    While checking your seeding depth, take a look for cutworms at the same time. Another good time to look is around bare patches that show up after emergence. Cutworms could be the cause. Entomologists from across the Prairies are conducting cutworms surveys and are looking for help digging them up…

  • Insect update: Cutworms, flea beetles, CSPW, grasshoppers

    June 19, 2013

    Cutworms are spotty but keep scouting. Flea beetles may need to be controlled past the 4-leaf stage in some extreme cases this year. Cabbage seedpod weevil numbers are building but only spray after first flower and only if sweep net results show them at thresholds. Hold off on early grasshopper control…

  • Insect update

    June 12, 2013

    Flea beetle spraying picked up again this week, as more canola fields reached thresholds. Don’t give up on flea beetle scouting just yet. Click here for more on the flea beetle spray decision. Cutworm feeding has been detected in some fields, but spraying is still minimal at this time. Digging will be required to distinguish whether cutworms or wireworms are…

  • Insect update: Cutworm collection, insect traps

    June 5, 2013

    Cutworm activity has been light so far this year, with a few fields sprayed across the Prairies. We do expect to hear of more cases as crops start to emerge and feeding patches start to show up. Keep an eye out as many cutworm species will feed on canola, and each has its own cycle — as the table shows…

  • Insect update: Wireworms, cutworms, south winds

    May 15, 2013

    Wireworms have not become the crisis some expected after lindane was pulled from the market, but some fields do have populations at levels that may cause economic loss. Noticeable losses are often confined to small bare patches. Check bare patches to confirm the reason for missing plants. It could be cutworms, wireworms, disease or something else entirely — like Richardson…

  • Insect update: diamondback, weevil, cutworm, bertha, beneficials

    June 27, 2012

    Probably too early to spray cabbage seedpod weevil, diamondback continue feeding, bertha moth numbers are high in some regions, cutworms near the end but still active, and always think about those valuable beneficials — like those helpful killers, the lady bugs…

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