Here are some agronomy-related questions that dig a little deeper into herbicide performance in canola…
Herbicide Qs on tank mixing, ideal weather, spray patterns and more
June 14, 2017
June 14, 2017
Here are some agronomy-related questions that dig a little deeper into herbicide performance in canola…
June 14, 2017
For in-crop management of cleavers in canola, both glyphosate and glufosinate work best on smaller spring-germinating plants. Early herbicide application is also best for crop yield. Use a rate and water volume suitable for cleavers. Find details in the provincial crop protection guides: crop protection for your province: Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba…
June 7, 2017
The Canola Council of Canada agronomy team looked at this photo above and discussed whether the field should be sprayed now or in a few days after more weeds have emerged. Consensus was that the field could have been sprayed a few days earlier. Angela Brackenreed, who scouted the field, says the weeds just became visible in the past three…
May 31, 2017
Early weeds have large impact on canola yield potential. Research has shown a yield advantage of 3 bu./ac. when weeds are removed at the 1- to 2-leaf stage of canola instead of waiting until the 3- to 4-leaf stage. That advantage rises to 7 bu./ac. when comparing weed control at the 1- to 2-leaf stage versus the 6- to 7-leaf…
May 17, 2017
A key part of the Keep It Clean program is to follow label rates and timing for all crop protection products. Here are specifics for each herbicide-tolerant system…
July 27, 2016
Surviving weeds are growing strong and some of them — like kochia and wild oats — start to look really obvious by this time of year…
June 23, 2016
Second applications applied late can reduce profitability it two ways: A competitive crop growing ahead of the weeds may not need a second application. A late application can cause a surprising level of hidden damage to canola plants, setting back yield potential…
June 15, 2016
Growers who usually spray twice may not need that second pass this year if the canopy has closed, weeds are behind the crop, and the recommended application window is past. A second application only makes sense when…
June 15, 2016
Spraying late or at higher-than-label rates can reduce canola profits…