• A good reason to count stems at harvest

    September 23, 2020

    Average stem counts for each canola field harvested this year can put yield, quality and harvest date results in perspective and help with seeding rate decisions in 2021…

  • Timely harvest topics: Loss management, wind, dockage and more

    September 2, 2020

    A lot of harvest-related topics are top of mind this week, including high winds that are blowing around canola swaths. See our tips on how to limit wind damage to swaths, and well as a few things to consider if swaths have blown…

  • Pre-harvest wild oats and other weeds

    September 2, 2020

    While pre-harvest scouting for diseases and crop staging, keep a look out for weeds. Challenges with timely and effective weed control earlier in the season can result in more weeds than expected at harvest time. Large weeds at this point in the season raise three agronomy questions…

  • Why does canola lodge?

    August 12, 2020

    Lodging is when plants fall over, making them more difficult to harvest. Key plant characteristics that affect lodging risk are the strength of the stem and anchorage, canopy height and canopy weight. Length and stiffness of the tap root is an important characteristic determining anchorage strength…

  • 5 questions for timely harvest preparation

    August 6, 2020

    This article provides brief explanations and links to answer these questions: Will the crop need a pre-harvest aid? What to look for with a pre-harvest disease survey? How to get bins ready for canola? How to prepare the combine for straight cutting? What tools are needed to measure losses?…

  • How to help canola mature faster?

    May 21, 2020

    Canola seeded in late May and early June will have lower yield potential than canola seeded in early May, and it may run into challenges with timely harvest while farmers wait for the crop to mature. Here are some considerations for late-seeded canola and some tips to help canola mature faster…

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