• Swathing after hail

    September 5, 2013

    If late season hail damages pods, then these pods have a higher potential for shattering as they dry. Swathing early to save these pods may not be worthwhile if these pods represent only a small percentage of the yield potential of the crop…

  • Cut too green and lose 19% of yield

    August 28, 2013

    Research conducted by the Canola Council of Canada over approximately 28 site-years indicates that significant yield increases can be achieved by waiting until 50-60% seed colour change on the main stem before swathing. Swathing at 50-60% SCC resulted in 8% more yield than swathing at 30-40% SCC, 12% more yield than at 10-20% SCC, and 19% more yield than swathing…

  • How to determine overall seed-colour change

    August 28, 2013

    The optimal swath timing for canola yield and quality is when 60% of seeds on the main stem are showing some colour change. Seed colour change (SCC) is considered any amount of yellow or brown on the seed…

  • Tips to reduce wind damage to swaths

    August 28, 2013

    Thin crops and high winds can lead to heavy shattering losses if swaths start to roll. Here are tips to reduce potential losses from swaths blowing:…

  • Swath timing for uneven crops

    August 21, 2013

    The ideal swath timing is when 60% of seeds on the main stem are showing some colour change from green to brown. Colour change is considered any amount of yellowing or browning on the seed. To determine ideal swath timing, fields need to be walked and pods need to be cracked. Pod colour change is not an accurate indicator or…

  • Swathing when hot increases yield loss

    August 21, 2013

    With day time highs in the 30s or high 20s, growers should wait for cooler days before swathing the crop, if possible. Cutting canola in hot conditions will lead to rapid dry down and desiccation, which increases seed shrinkage — and leads to yield loss…

  • Swath timing for hailed crops

    August 21, 2013

    Hail damage can cause crops to mature unevenly. Judging when to swath multi-stage crops can be tricky. If the field has distinct late and early parts, the two parts could be swathed at different times. If not, then make the swath decision based on which plants are likely to contribute most to yield…

  • Top 10 reasons why you should wait to swath

    August 14, 2013

    2. Less risk of green seed problems. Crops with uneven maturity can be difficult to manage at harvest. There may be uneven maturity within the field (between knolls and low spots) and within the plants (between main stem and side branches which is more critical in low density stands). Swathing too early can result in a significant proportion of green…

  • Swathing? Timing it right

    August 14, 2013

    The ideal swath timing is when 60% of seeds on the main stem are showing some colour change from green to brown. Colour change is considered any amount of yellowing or browning on the seed. To determine ideal swath timing, fields need to be walked and pods need to be cracked - it is 60% seed colour change not pod…

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