Canola may be stored longer than usual and in bigger quantities this year. As outside temperatures warm up, it becomes important to check bins again to make sure canola inside safely makes the transition from winter to spring and summer. Movement of air and moisture inside bins is greatest when the temperature difference between inside and outside is greatest. Increased…
Storage management other
When outside air is colder than stored canola, another moisture cycle begins within the bin. The grain mass on the outside edge cools first. This colder air migrates down through grain along the bin wall then up through the central core, picking up warmth and moisture along the way. This creates a pocket of humid and warmer air at the…
The number one risk: Neglected bins. Growers are busy enough at harvest just getting the crop off, but take time to check all bins within the first two weeks after filling, and then again a couple more times until the canola is cool and winter sets in. Canola seed continues to sweat during the first 4 to 6 weeks after…
Harvest is a farmer’s busiest time of the year and unfortunately one of the most dangerous. Fatigue and stress often lead to shortcuts and unsafe practices during this time. It is essential to take breaks, slow down, follow safe practices, and ensure everyone on the farm is trained to do the task at hand…
Canola at 10% moisture is at risk of spoilage when binned at 20°C. At 25-30°C, the spoilage risk is that much greater. Canola at 8% moisture is also at risk if not cooled immediately after storage. The first 4-6 weeks are critical. Canola in storage keeps respiring during that time, releasing moisture into the air around the seed. This moisture…
A recent canola bag storage study concluded that: —Harvest bags are best used as a short term storage solution under Prairie conditions. —Dry canola (less than or equal to 10% moisture) can be stored for up to eight months and 12% moisture content canola can be stored for up to five months without any significant change in quality or grade…