• Time for November bin checks

    November 5, 2014

    This is the month to make sure stored canola is stable heading into winter. As outside temperatures drop below zero and stay there, canola growers want to make sure canola has cooled throughout the bin. This is also a good time to assess whether your storage measures up. Is it time for a heated air system, or a dryer? For…

  • Be safe when handling grain

    November 5, 2014

    Please be careful when climbing grain bins to open hatches or probe them, when using grain handling equipment, and while transporting grain. And certainly try to avoid entering bins to help improve grain flow and break crusting. Manitoba’s Safe Farms program provides the following tips on how to control the hazards from its “Flowing Grain Entrapment” factsheet…

  • Canola stays hot for weeks

    October 8, 2014

    Canola binned hot will retain that heat for weeks and likely months, with the risk of storage losses rising with each passing day. Growers who binned hot canola in September and August will want to check that the temperature has come down to a safe storage level of below 15°C. Putting hot canola on air or turning it on a…

  • Straw management issues

    September 24, 2014

    Cereal straw management is especially important on fields planned for canola next year, given the impact uneven residue can have on seed placement and seedling survival. Cutting as high as you can and making sure the combine spread width matches the header width are important steps at harvest. Have someone check the spread pattern behind the combine. Sometimes just adjusting…

  • Swath or straight combine frosted canola?

    September 17, 2014

    This has been a common question after last week’s heavy frost. Growers wonder whether frost-damaged canola should be swathed or left standing for straight combining. By now, any pod splitting or pod drop due to tissue damage from the heavy frost has probably happened. This usually starts within a day of the frost event. If the crop is still sound,…

  • Flattened by snow

    September 17, 2014

    Canola fields flattened by snow last week are unlikely to spring back. If they’re still flat, they’ll be staying flat. There is no easy way to harvest this crop, but these tips may help…

  • How much are you throwing over?

    September 17, 2014

    Growers are showing new energy in harvest loss management this week, sparked in large part by Angela Brackenreed’s excellent cover article in the September 2014 issue of Canola Digest. Read it here…

  • Pre-harvest intervals closing

    September 17, 2014

    Insect threats are minimal at this stage of the season, but if you have late fields and an insect hot spot — say for bertha armyworm — the options are limited…

  • Frost in forecast: Swath now or leave it standing?

    September 10, 2014

    With light frost in the forecast, crop left standing will still have a chance to mature further and yield more. A heavy frost will lock in high green counts and likely increase yield loss with pod splitting and pod drop. Swathing before the heavy frost event may prevent this green lock, but the crop needs to dry down to a…

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