• Uneven crops and swath timing

    July 29, 2015

    The swath timing decision becomes more difficult in crops with plants at multiple stages of growth. Here are some tips to help with the swath decision on these fields…

  • Keep it Clean: PHI and storage tips

    July 22, 2015

    When spraying, stick to the pre-harvest interval unique to each product. When prepping bins, follow canola storage recommendations…

  • The silage option for canola

    July 22, 2015

    Dry conditions could mean a hay shortage in parts of the Prairies. Growers with poor-looking canola crops may want to estimate the seed yield potential and weigh that against the potential feed value of the biomass…

  • Swath timing for uneven canola fields

    July 22, 2015

    Earliest canola in southern Alberta and here and there across the Prairies will be close to swath timing in the next week or two. Many of these early fields are not looking good, with patchy emergence, uneven emergence and short stature due to moisture stress. The swath timing decision becomes more difficult in crops with plants at multiple stages of…

  • Do you straight combine thin and multi-staged canola?

    July 22, 2015

    The general view is that uniform well-knit canola crops are the best for straight combining, but it can be argued that leaving thin multi-stage canola for straight combining may also be lower risk than swathing…

  • Top 10 agronomy topics for 2015

    March 11, 2015

    The Canola Council of Canada agronomy team came up with 12 agronomy priorities for 2015, and then ranked them. Here are the top 10, with our highest ranked topic placed first. We will cover these topics in more detail throughout 2015…

  • Canola is heating in bins!

    December 10, 2014

    This is not the kind of steam room you're looking for on a cold winter day. This was taken inside a canola bin in the Peace River region last week. A spike in heated canola has been reported over the past couple weeks. Growers are encouraged to check all canola bins as soon as possible. Spoilage usually starts small and…

  • Alert: Sudden rise in heated canola

    November 28, 2014

    Some canola growers have reported rising temperatures in their canola bins. Growers are encouraged to check all canola bins as soon as possible. Heating can start small and go unnoticed for days and perhaps weeks. Cooling the bin and stopping this early heating now can save a lot of money in lost grade and lost delivery options…

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