Straight-combining canola can be made easier with a pre-harvest herbicide. Here are the options: glyphosate, Heat LQ/glyphosate and Reglone (diquat)…
Harvest and Storage
Optimal swath timing for canola yield and quality is when at least 60% of seeds on the main stem are showing some colour change. Seed colour change (SCC) is considered any amount of yellow or brown on the seed. (See scouting tips below.) This increases crop yield because side branches have longer to fill and average seed size for the…
1. Green and bendable canola stems can often straighten up again (somewhat) if lodged due to wind and heavy rain. 2. If lodged due to disease, these plants are unlikely to straighten up. Plants lodged this early due to disease usually contribute little to yield once harvest rolls around. 3. Lodged plants can be more susceptible to spread of sclerotinia…
Canola combined this spring has been coming off dry and cool. Should it go on aeration?…
Hungry wildlife may have discovered your grain bags and opened them up for a snack. With the ground still frozen, it may be a good time to empty bags if wildlife damage is evident and spoilage is likely…
Spring harvesting is the best way to remove canola still in the field. Quality will likely be down, but it will still be worth something. Growers may think of alternatives, but they're probably not as economical…