Aeration fans should be started as soon as the canola covers the floor of the bin, so that immediate cooling can take place. Fans must be operated continuously until the temperature of the canola is near the average outside temperature…
Harvest and Storage
The ideal swath timing for top yield is when average seed colour change across the field is at least 60% on the main stem. But canola growers may want to reassess that approach based on the following considerations…
Combine losses vary throughout the day. If using the same combine settings all day long, losses in the morning and evening could be significant if the combine is set for easy-threshing afternoons. Or losses in the afternoons could be higher if the combine is locked in for those tough-swath times of day. Checking for combine losses under various conditions will…
Swathing later will increase yield because more of the later seeds in side branches will reach maturity and contribute to yield. But what if harvest is moving slowing and the priority shifts from highest yield to just getting the crop in the bin?…
Canola fields swathed at 60% seed colour change (SCC) on the main stem can yield 8% more than fields swathed at 30% SCC. That’s according to Canola Council of Canada research from the early 2000s. The yield difference could be even higher with lower plant populations because with fewer larger plants more of the yield will be in the side…
The best move is to stay out of bins while they’re being filled or emptied. Usually the only time a person feels the need to enter a bin is if grain is bridged or crusted. This can be a very dangerous situation, especially if a wall of grain is released and buries a person. CASA provides these bin-entry basics…