• Do you straight combine thin and multi-staged canola?

    July 22, 2015

    The general view is that uniform well-knit canola crops are the best for straight combining, but it can be argued that leaving thin multi-stage canola for straight combining may also be lower risk than swathing…

  • Swath or straight combine frosted canola?

    September 17, 2014

    This has been a common question after last week’s heavy frost. Growers wonder whether frost-damaged canola should be swathed or left standing for straight combining. By now, any pod splitting or pod drop due to tissue damage from the heavy frost has probably happened. This usually starts within a day of the frost event. If the crop is still sound,…

  • Too late to swath

    September 10, 2014

    Crops left standing for straight combining could face high losses if growers change their mind and choose to swath after the crop has reached 80% seed colour change. If a field that ripe must be swathed, cut in very moist conditions (rain or heavy dew) to limit shattering as much as possible. The final decision on whether to swath or…

  • Best headers for straight combining canola

    August 7, 2014

    Specialty headers designed to straight combine canola seem to provide an improvement over standard straight cut headers. These specialty headers have the cutterbar out in front of the reel to catch seed that drops on impact from the reel bats…

  • Dry-down herbicide for straight combining

    September 18, 2013

    Some growers who straight combine canola that is not a glyphosate tolerant variety will apply glyphosate to even out the crop for easier harvest. When using glyphosate in this fashion, make sure a majority of the field is mature. Growers using Reglone on canola to be straight combined take note: Reglone can increase both pod shatter and pod drop if…

  • Straight combining thin crops

    August 28, 2013

    The ideal canola crop for straight combining is thick and well-knitted with even maturity. However, a case can be made for straight combining very thin crops with uneven maturity…

  • Top 10 tips to lower straight-combining risk

    August 21, 2013

    Here are a few of them. Click "Read more" for the rest... 8. Harvest as soon as possible after the seed falls below two percent green content and is dry enough to store. Delayed harvest increases shattering losses. 9. Consider your equipment options and take care to optimize header reel and knife position, speed settings, and anything else that may…

  • Pre-harvest products for use in canola

    August 21, 2013

    Glyphosate is registered for pre-harvest perennial weed control in canola. Glyphosate is to be applied when the majority of seeds are yellow to brown in colour and seed moisture is less than 30%. Heat fits between glyphosate and Reglone on the speed of dry down spectrum. Reglone is a contact herbicide (only kills what it contacts) and is registered in…

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