The 4 Rs, as described by the Canadian Fertilizer Institute and other crop nutrition organizations, are the right fertilizer source at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place. The 4 Rs will help you make the most of your fertilizer investment. Here are the three basics of canola crop nutrition…
High yielding canola and cereal crops will have drained the soil of a lot of nutrients. Taking good soil samples will help determine how much is left, and how to adjust fertilizer rates for the 2014 crop. Avoid sampling areas that may exaggerate the soil test readings. These areas include low spots, sandy ridges, old yard sites, hilltops, saline areas…
The ideal time for a sulphur top up is any time before flowering, but a top up at early flowering may pay off if plants are showing signs of sulphur deficiency. The ideal time for a nitrogen top up is before the 5-leaf stage of canola, but AAFC research out of Indian Head, Saskatchewan, shows that nitrogen top dress as…
Growers who used elemental sulphur as their only sulphur source may see deficiencies in this year’s crop. Elemental sulphur will not be available when the crop needs it. In following the 4-Rs of fertilizer, elemental sulphur applied at seeding is not the “right source” or the “right time.” Sulphur deficiency symptoms (see the photos) that appear at the bud to…
Click here for more information on products, rates and timing for best results from a fertilizer top-dress. This article has just been updated. If you’re on the fence about a top-dress application, consider applying a rate high enough to make a difference — such as 30 pounds of nitrogen or 20 pound of sulphur — to part of a field…
The bottom line for seed-placed fertilizer in canola: 1. Apply plant available sources of nutrients. 2. Place a modest rate of P in the seedrow. At rates over 20 lb./ac., the salt component in MAP, for example, can start to set back seedling survival. 3. Place N and S in a band away from the seed…
If a grower decides to try something new, find a uniform field, try one product at a time and leave an untreated check, ensuring both treated and untreated areas are accurately measured for final yield and grade so a true economic comparison can be made. In reality, some products may provide a good payoff for the price, but that payoff…