• Sclerotinia stem rot risk re-assessment

    July 16, 2014

    Hot, dry conditions the past number of days and variable field staging have made the decision to spray fungicide to manage sclerotinia stem rot even more difficult this year. Moisture is the key risk factor for sclerotinia stem rot. Without moisture before, during and after flowering, disease severity and the return on investment from fungicide will be lower than if…

  • Irrigation and sclerotinia stem rot management

    July 16, 2014

    Canola’s need for water is highest during the flowering growth stage, which means growers using irrigation have to provide more water during this stage. However, moisture at this stage also increases the risk of sclerotinia stem rot infection. Alberta’s irrigation scheduling strategy recommends less frequent and larger irrigation volumes during the flowering growth stage. This will provide the water the…

  • Sclerotinia stem rot: Common questions

    July 9, 2014

    The table above shows fungicides available to manage sclerotinia stem rot. The article answers a few common questions on sclerotinia stem rot management…

  • Moisture elevates sclerotinia stem rot risk

    July 3, 2014

    Earliest canola fields are coming into flower, and many areas of the Prairies have more than enough moisture to elevate the sclerotinia stem rot risk. Here are key risk reminders as we head into sclerotinia stem rot management season…

  • Sclerotia depots: A new early warning system

    June 25, 2014

    Scientists at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada are testing an early warning system for sclerotinia in canola. The project is in its first year and involves 35 volunteers in Saskatchewan monitoring the emergence of apothecia in 67 sclerotia depots across the province. Each depot consists of 50 sclerotia (fungal resting bodies) buried at the soil surface. Sclerotia in the depots are…

  • Disease update: Sclerotinia, clubroot, blackleg, alternaria

    September 11, 2013

    Lots of sclerotinia stem rot. As harvest progresses, we’re hearing reports of higher levels of sclerotinia stem rot in some regions. Some fields that did not get a fungicide spray are at 40-50% infection. That works out to an estimated 20-25% yield loss, or 10-13 bu./ac. on a canola crop with 50 bu./ac. yield potential. Fungicide applications for sclerotinia stem…

  • Sclerotinia infection near ground level

    September 5, 2013

    Sclerotinia stem rot infection is being found lower down the plant in many fields this year. Some fields are lodging because of sclerotinia infection. In some cases, sclerotinia infection is right near ground level, which is where blackleg is also found…

  • How to tell blackleg, sclerotinia and clubroot apart

    August 28, 2013

    Sclerotinia stem rot (above) and blackleg can both cause what looks like pre-mature ripening. Both diseases, when severe, can cut off nutrient flow up the stem, resulting in a whitened dead plant. Both can cause increased lodging. However, long-term management requires an accurate identification of which disease is the cause. Disease identification will make sure you make the correct seed…

  • Biologicial fungicide: Serenade use tips

    July 10, 2013

    Because Serenade works differently from other fungicides, we want to share these instructions for best results, as provided by Bayer CropScience:…

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