• How do new pathotypes develop?

    April 24, 2014

    Resistance can lose its effectiveness when repeated cropping of a resistance source selects for individuals within a pathogen population that are virulent on that resistance. Initially, these new pathogen strains are very rare but then increase by being able to attack the "resistant" genotypes…

  • How to protect clubroot resistance

    April 24, 2014

    Short of a stacked genetics solution and/or the development of several more distinct sources of resistance, which could take a lot of time and effort, we need to follow the risk mitigation practices to help prevent clubroot spread and protect this valuable genetic trait…

  • Hold back the economic clap from clubroot

    April 3, 2014

    Clubroot lowers the bottom line for more and more Western Canada canola growers each year. The disease has been advancing through Alberta at a fairly steady 20 to 25 km per year, and has been detected at low levels in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. All Prairie fields are at risk of economic loss from clubroot, with the highest risk fields those…

  • How to use photos for agronomy

    February 4, 2014

    Crop diagnostics often come down to good photography skills, especially since so many people have smart phones with cameras, and since agronomists cannot get to all fields in a timely manner. The rules to agronomy by phone and photograph are…

  • Do you need a clubroot-resistant variety?

    January 9, 2014

    Clubroot resistance is an important part of clubroot management, and growers are advised to start using clubroot-resistant varieties as soon as clubroot is identified in their area. This will help keep clubroot at low levels in fields, and reduce the risk of selecting for resistant clubroot races…

  • Who should use clubroot-resistant canola?

    December 11, 2013

    Clubroot resistance is an important part of clubroot management, and growers are advised to start using clubroot-resistant varieties as soon as clubroot is identified in their area. This will help keep clubroot at low levels in fields, and reduce the risk of selecting for resistant clubroot races…

  • Clubroot is a soil problem, not a canola problem

    November 6, 2013

    Clubroot-resistant canola is the best tool available to limit disease damage in fields infested with clubroot. However, an effective overall clubroot management strategy has to be top of mind in all years, not just canola years. As a soil borne disease, clubroot can spread no matter what crop is grown on a field. Any pass with the drill or cultivator,…

  • Clubroot found in Manitoba canola

    September 25, 2013

    Manitoba has had two canola fields confirmed this month to have clubroot symptoms on plants. Last year, clubroot was confirmed in two soil samples in the province, but plant symptoms were not observed. Clubroot is expected to spread across the Prairies eventually. The disease was first detected in Manitoba in vegetable crops in 1925. It is not a surprise to…

  • More clubroot management tips

    September 25, 2013

    Early detection makes clubroot easier to contain. By the time patches of clubroot infection are obvious in fields, clubroot spores may have been present for a while and may have already spread to neighbouring fields. Clubroot disease management plans will vary depending on the amount of disease and its severity, but growers in all regions should watch for the disease…

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