• Yield damaging clubroot in CR varieties

    August 31, 2016

    More than 10 clubroot pathotypes have been identified in Alberta, and clubroot-resistant (CR) varieties will not protect against all of them. CR varieties with the same source of resistance grown in a short rotation will quickly select for those pathotypes that are virulent to those varieties. With good moisture for clubroot this year, many fields of CR canola are showing…

  • Swath timing and disease

    August 10, 2016

    With blackleg, sclerotinia stem rot and clubroot, base the swath timing decision on healthy plants that will contribute to yield. One exception where early swathing could provide an economic benefit is the case of severe alternaria black spot (shown)…

  • Pre-harvest scouting: 8 diseases

    August 4, 2016

    Check patches of pre-mature ripened canola to identify the cause. It could be blackleg, clubroot, sclerotinia stem rot (pictured) or something else entirely. Here’s how to identify the major diseases of canola as fields get close to swathing stage…

  • Aster yellows: What does it look like?

    August 4, 2016

    Aster yellows is a phytoplasma infection that causes misshapen pods and flower buds. Most fields in most years have less than 1% infection, which is not an economic level of loss…

  • Scouting those sickly patches

    July 27, 2016

    Patches that seem to be maturing early while the rest of the crop is still green do warrant closer inspection. With all the rainfall in some areas, die-off due to excess moisture could be the prime suspect — but check anyway. It could be disease…

  • Lesion ID

    July 20, 2016

    Learn to tell the difference between common lesion-causing diseases — blackleg, sclerotinia stem rot and alternaria black spot…

  • July 13 Quiz – Lesions

    July 13, 2016

    How well do you know your canola leaf lesions? Take the quiz to find out! (Photo credit: Angel Hewson)…

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