• Seed trait priorities: Disease resistance, maturity, seed treatment

    November 8, 2018

    When choosing canola hybrids for 2019, think through the yield, quality and profit achieved over the past few years and consider what factors may have reduced overall profitability. Add notes on harvestability. Then consider how seed traits could help manage any existing and potential challenges, reduce risk and improve profitability…

  • How to contain a clubroot-infested patch

    November 8, 2018

    If identified early enough and small enough, patches of soil infested with clubroot-causing Plasmodiophora brassicae can be managed in various ways to reduce the spore load in those patches and prevent clubroot from spreading beyond that patch. This excerpt from a November 2018 Canola Digest article describes patch management techniques:…

  • Why tell people about your clubroot?

    November 8, 2018

    Farmers who discover clubroot early and take action should be commended. Not singled out. Not blamed. If you’re the first to find it in an area, it might mean you’re the most observant scouter or that nobody else has been brave enough to report their infestations yet. By coming forward, you and your neighbours have a chance to talk about…

  • How to test soils for the clubroot pathogen

    September 26, 2018

    Soil tests for clubroot can have two objectives: 1. Is the clubroot pathogen present? (Yes/No test) 2. What is the resting spore count per gram of soil? (Quantitative test)…

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