Canola 4R Advantage | Disease scouting | What is turning canola grey/black? | Kochia | Assessing maturity in uneven fields…
Diseases other
Insect and disease surveys across the Prairies have moved to a permission-based system to access fields for monitoring. Canola Watch uses this information to improve canola pest management. How to grant permission…
Scientific research in Western Canada shows lower yields for canola in short rotations. Blackleg (shown above), clubroot and many other factors can cause this yield loss…
Pythium species, Fusarium species and Rhizoctonia solani – the "three amigos" – can cause seed rots, root rots and stem decay on young canola plants. Seed treatments are generally pretty good, but Krista Anderson from Bayer, Mark Belmonte from University of Manitoba and Autumn Barnes from the CCC explain the factors that can increase risks…
Got canola emergence issues? Little canola plants are vulnerable to many different risk factors, including seedling diseases. Seed treatments are usually very good at managing the common seedling disease pathogens of canola, however seed, seedling and root rots can flare up under the right circumstances. Here are details about the three pathogens in the canola seedling disease complex, and the…
Respirators for pesticide applicators are NIOSH/MSHA/BHSE approved organic-vapour-removing cartridge with a pre-filter approved for pesticides or a NIOSH/MSHA/BHSE approved canister for pesticides…
Clear patches of canola plants that are yellowing prematurely could be diseased. These are obvious places to start a pre-harvest disease survey. Clubroot continues to spread into new areas, so this disease is one possible cause – even in fields with a clubroot-resistant variety. In addition to the obvious patches, check a few random areas in the better producing parts…