• Top 10 observations and tips from the International Clubroot Workshop

    August 15, 2018

    The International Clubroot Workshop in Edmonton August 7-9 attracted more than 200 researchers and extension staff from at least 12 countries. The agenda included presentations and conversations on clubroot research, observations and management tips. Here are the top 10…

  • Clubroot severity increases around the world

    August 9, 2018

    Clubroot is found everywhere in the world that brassica crops are grown. And clubroot is getting worse. These were the underlying messages from the International Clubroot Workshop, which brought together 200 clubroot researchers, extension staff and growers from around the world to Edmonton this week…

  • Clubroot watch begins

    July 26, 2018

    Take a look at the roots of plants that are showing unusual amounts of heat and moisture stress. These plants may be facing premature wilting and even death due to clubroot, and mounting stress from the environment can make these plants stand out even more…

  • Clubroot disinfectants: Bleach is best

    June 27, 2018

    Michael Harding with Alberta Agriculture & Forestry recently compared 10 disinfectant solutions to see which is best to kill clubroot spores on machinery, tires and boots, etc. Four of those 10 products achieved 95% inactivation of clubroot resting spore viability, qualifying them as effective. Of the four, bleach achieved the 95% threshold at very low concentration (2%) and bleach is…

  • Clubroot, wet springs and mud

    May 2, 2018

    Moving soil means moving clubroot. Because more soil clings to machinery in wet conditions, wet springs will increase the risk of clubroot movement…

  • Biosecurity for field crops: Why and how?

    May 2, 2018

    Biosecurity is something that livestock and horticulture producers have used for years to keep diseases from spreading to their barns, greenhouses and orchards. It is time for broad-acre crop producers to think biosecurity, too…

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