• What’s new in blackleg management?

    April 5, 2017

    Using the same disease resistance genetics over and over causes a shift in pathogen population, which can then overcome the resistance in our varieties – similar to herbicide resistance in weeds. Knowing the resistance genetics used in previous years will allow growers to rotate to a different resistance gene and reduce the blackleg infection within a field. As many as…

  • Blackleg survey results from 2016

    February 8, 2017

    Each Prairie province does its own disease survey most years. The Manitoba Canola Disease Survey has been happening for over 15 years and tracks a variety of diseases. Alberta’s survey the past few years has mainly been focused around monitoring the spread of clubroot. Blackleg results are based on prevalence, incidence and severity — but what do these words mean?…

  • Pest survey results for 2016

    December 9, 2016

    Results from the disease survey show increases in sclerotinia stem rot incidence. Blackleg incidence is down from 2015 in Manitoba and Saskatchewan and up in Alberta…

  • Lesion ID

    July 20, 2016

    Learn to tell the difference between common lesion-causing diseases — blackleg, sclerotinia stem rot and alternaria black spot…

  • Check crowns and primary roots

    July 13, 2016

    While scouting canola fields at flowering and podding stages, dig up a few plants in each field and look at the crown and primary root. If the crop has disease symptoms, compare healthy and unhealthy plants. Even if the crop has no outward symptoms, dig up a few plants anyway. Early infection may be present even if the plant shows…

  • Look for blackleg lesions

    June 15, 2016

    Blackleg infection prior to the four-leaf stage can result in serious yield loss, but blackleg can be difficult to identify on such small plants…

  • Spraying for blackleg — The decision

    June 8, 2016

    Scouting now for lesions on young canola plants and for pseudothecia on blackleg stubble is one step in blackleg management. Here are factors that increase the blackleg risk…

  • Low levels of blackleg can drop yields

    September 23, 2015

    Many things can cause yields to be lower than expected. Crops that run out of nutrients may have significant biomass but smaller or fewer seeds in the pods. Moisture and……

  • Begin your pre-harvest disease watch

    August 6, 2015

    Three major stem diseases — blackleg, clubroot and sclerotinia stem rot — are more easily identified in the weeks leading up to harvest. Areas of the field with prematurely ripening plants and excessive lodging are signs that any one of these three diseases could be present…

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