• What’s going on with the roots?

    July 11, 2018

    Take a random look at a few canola roots in each field to see what's going on. Also dig up the root area for plants that look less than healthy for no apparent reason. This plant has foot rot…

  • After the hail

    June 20, 2018

    How many plants recovered? Are they at early stages and at risk of heavy blackleg infection? What is the crop nutrition situation?…

  • Blackleg stubble test

    March 2, 2018

    Discovery Seed Labs in Saskatoon is the first to offer a test of canola stubble to determine (1) if blackleg is present and (2) what race of blackleg it is. This can help farmers and agronomists make proper use of the new blackleg resistance-gene (R-gene) classification system when making seed decisions…

  • Blackleg scouting in the fall

    September 27, 2017

    If you missed the swath-timing window to check canola stems for blackleg, you still have lots of time to look for blackleg pseudothecia on old canola stem pieces in fields that will go into canola next year. This can help with seed decisions…

  • Blackleg, foot rot or cutworms?

    July 6, 2017

    These can be hard to tell apart sometimes. Pinched or otherwise damaged-looking stems can occur with all three. The photo shows blackleg infection. Here’s how to tell them apart…

  • Blackleg: Early scouting and fungicide

    June 14, 2017

    For fungicide to provide an economic level of blackleg suppression, the crop has to be susceptible to the disease, blackleg incidence and severity must be high (usually due to short canola rotations) and the fungicide has to go on early – cotyledon to 4-leaf stage – before visible symptoms appear…

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