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Here is a quick update on the Portage la Prairie UCC Site. Ideal temperature and moisture conditions have promoted fast crop growth this past week. The trial site has received approximately 8-9mm of rain. Daily maximum temperatures have ranged from 23-28. Thus, the crop has jumped from the 2-3 leaf stage to the 4-5 leaf stage since my last post!…
The Manitoba 2015 Ultimate Canola Challenge plot is located South of Portage, along highway 240 towards South Port. The exact location is Lot 107 in the Parrish of Portage. In this area the soil is an Elm River Silt Loam…
The UCC site that will be featured for Saskatchewan is located near Meadstead. The site was seeded with the Dekalb 74-44 variety on May 14th, 2015 at a rate of 5.3lbs/acre. The fertilizer was 130-40-0-30 of actual nutrient as liquid sidebanded with 0.3lbs/acre of boron in liquid form…