The swath decision becomes more difficult in crops with plants at multiple stages of growth. For example, if some plants are at 60% seed colour change (SCC) on the main stem and other plants are still flowering, growers may want to hold off on swathing. Or if plants are large with many secondary stems, the main stem may be at…
Harvest and Storage
Canola growers have three quality and trade issues to keep in mind when storing the crop: 1. Do not put canola in bins treated with malathion. Malathion is often used inside bins to control grain storage insects, however this insecticide can enter canola seed in storage and should not be used on bins storing canola. 2. Completely remove treated seed…
Harvest is a farmer’s busiest time of the year and unfortunately one of the most dangerous. Fatigue and stress often leads to shortcuts and unsafe practices during this time but it is essential to take breaks, slow down, follow safe practices, and ensure everyone on the farm is trained to do the task at hand. Safe Work Manitoba provides the…
Insects or disease may only have minor impacts on your yield at first, but spraying for them at the wrong time can have huge impacts on viable international markets by the end of the season. The canola industry works hard to keep a competitive, stable and open trade environment for canola and build strong relationships with customers around the world…
As growers transition from seeding back to grain hauling to get bins cleaned out and ready for harvest, there are two timely “Keep It Clean” messages to keep in mind: 1. Carefully clean all treated seed and seed treatment dust out of the trucks and augers. Elevators are watching for this, and may reject loads where treatment is detected. This…
Harvest is a farmer’s busiest time of the year and unfortunately one of the most dangerous. Fatigue and stress often lead to shortcuts and unsafe practices during this time. It is essential to take breaks, slow down, follow safe practices, and ensure everyone on the farm is trained to do the task at hand…
Canola growers often lose 2 bu./ac. out the back of the combine. Losses can easily reach 5 bu./ac. if the combine is pushed beyond its threshing capacity. Every combine will have a sweet spot where the settings and ground speed are just right for the conditions and losses are within the acceptable range of 0.5-1 bu./ac. The only way to…