Some growers who straight combine canola that is not a glyphosate tolerant variety will apply glyphosate to even out the crop for easier harvest. When using glyphosate in this fashion, make sure a majority of the field is mature. Growers using Reglone on canola to be straight combined take note: Reglone can increase both pod shatter and pod drop if…
Thin crops and high winds can lead to heavy shattering losses if swaths start to roll. Here are tips to reduce potential losses from swaths blowing: —Swath parallel to the typical prevailing winds in the area. —Cut the plants as high as possible, just below the lowest pod. —Using a properly adjusted swath roller, push down the swath so that…
Growers straight combining canola for the first time may want to consider these tips: —Practice on a couple fields. —Choose fields that are well knitted to prevent whipping and shattering in the wind. —Be prepared to harvest as soon as green seed and seed moisture drop to acceptable levels, even if stalks are still green. And more…
Scouting at swath timing is a good time of year to begin assessing the growing season and begin planning for next year. In Manitoba, earliest harvested fields are not yielding to expectations. Take this opportunity to try and identify what might be at play leading to disappointing yields. Mother Nature’s environmental challenges played an important role in many cases but…
It’s mid July, and some very early canola is already being swathed in parts of Manitoba. Waiting until 60% seed colour change on the main stem will result in the highest yields because more seeds have a chance to fill completely…
Growers waiting for green seed levels to drop before combining should weigh the risks. The best bet may be to harvest the crop now to maintain the yield and quality that’s there, and start looking for buyers…
If canola is not drying down after a Reglone application, the following may provide some insight as to why…
Good canola stand establishment, especially in direct seeding situations, starts with straw and chaff management for the previous crop. Spreading residue evenly across the field is critical…