August 14, 2013 - Issue 20

  • This growing season is presenting some unique challenges - very localized insect threats (reports of individuals with only one or two fields out of many at threshold), individual canola fields that are in flower for 6 weeks and counting, etc. Each field needs to be looked at individually so decisions can be made efficiently, timely and when necessary. Be diligent…
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  • Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool. If you have trouble with the embedded quiz on your device, click here…
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  • Again this year, canola crops with blanks or missing pods on the main stem are being found. Typically, a missing pod can result from any stress on the plant because stress inhibits proper fertilization of the flowers. It is important however, to accurately determine the cause of the stress in order to take steps to reduce its impact on future…
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  • Bertha armyworm spraying has been reported in a few fields. Scout lower in the canopy this week, looking for larvae feeding on lower leaves. Scouting now will give you a couple weeks’ planning time before leaf drop begins and berthas start moving up toward the pods — where they do their most costly damage. By holding off until bertha larvae…
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  • Pre-harvest interval (PHI) refers to the amount of time that must lapse (in days) after a pesticide application before the crop is cut (ie. swathed or straight cut). Failing to comply with a product’s pre-harvest interval is a contravention of the Pest Control Products Act (PCP). The PCP Act was put in place to protect human health and safety and…
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  • The ideal swath timing is when 60% of seeds on the main stem are showing some colour change from green to brown. Colour change is considered any amount of yellowing or browning on the seed. To determine ideal swath timing, fields need to be walked and pods need to be cracked - it is 60% seed colour change not pod…
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