Home / Canola Watch / May 16, 2018 - Issue 7
Test your flea beetle knowledge with these five questions…
1.5” may be as deep as you want to go. If moisture is at 3”, for example, that is a long way for a small canola seedling to stretch…
Generally, small-seeded crops such as canola are more sensitive to seed-placed fertilizer, especially nitrogen and potassium…
This map shows percent of average precipitation for April 1 to May 16, 2018. Areas in red have less than 40% of average…
It was too early to do emergence counts, but I did manage to find some blackleg pycnidia on canola residue from 2016. We will have to keep an eye out for the disease this year…
Dusty conditions are common in spraying, and in dry springs they are often associated with a further challenge – drought-stressed plants. There is no magic cure for these problems, but Tom Wolf provides these guidelines…
How do you spray weeds in a timely fashion when every day seems too windy? Too windy, according to the Guide to Crop Protection, can be product specific but is generally above 15 km/h. Here are tips to improve performance and limit the drift risk in wind…
Soil erosion poses a significant threat to the sustainability of crop production throughout the world. So next time you take out the tillage equipment, ask yourself why?…
Growers have two common questions after a spring frost: 1. Did the crop survive? (Do I need to reseed?) 2. When can I resume weed control?…